Dear Large Intestine Pt. 3
Dear Large Intestine,
I’ve come to my final words to you. I feel the weight of that, the pressure to get it right and yet, all that is really left to say is; I love you.
I love you. If only I knew how much while you were still with me, maybe things could have been different. I wish I didn’t have to navigate this life without you, but I can’t keep looking back. I can’t keep re-living the trauma of losing you and wading through the desperation of self blame and the ache of missing you. It’s time. It’s time to let you go. I hope that the echo of the words in these three letters brings us both a final peace.
I know now that my love for you cannot be ravaged. We bled together, we starved together. We fought to keep our bond and it hurt. I didn’t want this. You didn’t want this. But this is. Our drama is like the drama of a tempest. Brutal and faultless.
Will you forgive me now?
I promise to remember both the horror and the grace. I promise to celebrate you. I promise to find gratitude for the beautiful mess of life you gave me when you left.
Wherever you are…I love you. I am yours and you are mine forever.
Eternally yours, Cody