What is Agency Wellness?
We have a medical system that does not prioritize our wellness.
We mainly visit a doctor to treat pain or illness, not to gain insight or practical advice on how to optimize our health. Most of us only truly commit and get interested in our wellbeing when illness come a callin’. We care about putting the fire out when it starts to burn things we value. Do any of the following statements feel true to you?
• Taking care of my health is too expensive
• I don’t have time for self care.
• It’s just too much work!
• The “wellness world” is too confusing! How do I know what’s right for me?
This was all certainly true for me. After a 10 year career as an aerialist in the circus, I was grounded by the advancement of a life (and body) altering chronic illness. After nearly losing my life, six major surgeries and the loss of a major organ, I was down, far down. I dove deeply (and sometimes manically) into all things healing. On a quest to improve my quality of life, despite what I was hearing from medical professionals, I tried everything. Acupuncture, shamanism, hyperbaric chambers, restrictive diets, naturopaths, functional medicine, more surgery, homeopathy, biofeedback, and much more.
I was in a constant search for the thing that would “work”, “fix me.”
I was chasing this elusive health that always felt out of my reach.
After over a decade of chasing I experienced a shift.